The Diplomat’s Center realize that there is a dire need to serve unsheltered homeless youth population. These vulnerable individuals appear to be lost without guidance and/or direction, sleeping anywhere they can lay their head; even places that are not safe. These places include, park benches and recreational areas, the sketchy areas of Alameda County, abandoned homes in residential neighborhoods and even riverbanks. While there are more visible concentrations of homeless individuals within the urban core and adjacent areas, there are people sleeping in places not meant for human habitation throughout the county.
Re-Entry & Transitional age youth (TAY), age 18 + experiencing homelessness is a potential pipeline into adult chronic homelessness. Alameda does not have an adequate supply of age appropriate, culturally competent emergency shelters or transitional housing to improve supports for these young people in their transition into stable adulthood.
Housing Homeless & Reentry Transitional Age Youth
The Housing to Wholeness Project operates as a Transitional Incubator which assists youth through the period of preparation and decision-making and leads youth to successful paths on their life journey. Though the paths they choose might look different, all youth should have access to transition planning and a meaningful input in planning for their future career and life goals.
Housing to Wholeness Projects is designed for homeless and reentry youth ages 18 AND UP. It is a three (12) to thirty six (36) month program; a place where Youth can create an organic living environment, designed to help stabilize them from the pass traumatic experience and help them on their life journey as they move from dependent into independent, self-determined and self-sufficient lifestyles.
The Housing to Wholeness Project, offer Youth supportive services consist of access to the following counselors: chemical dependency, family reunification, restorative justice, a mental health and spiritual counselor to assist the Youth as needed.

The Homeless to Wholeness Project postulates a 12 to 36 months stay is needed to provide the support, training, and information a Student requires to build self-determination and stability. Given that; we anticipate touching the lives of 30 Student per year who along their journey will share the values learned with others. This program does not operate on theory’s but on the compassion, and patience of people committed to walking hand and hand with a Student till they determine their own journey. We will place everything we know before them and watch them shape their environment. Adapting and changing with theirs needs but always there to guide them. In hope that one day they will stand on higher ground than the environment surrounding them.
Our New Facility:
Diplomat's Center Inc. is currently the only ADA compliant Transitional Reentry Housing Facility in Oakland. Amenities will include three daily meals, landline, exercise area, desktop computer, Wi-Fi, 24-hour attendant, and common area. As well as scheduled family and friend visits after intake verification has been completed.
The Diplomat’s Center is established under IRS as a 501(c) (3) tax exempt religious organization and we seek your sponsorship and support.